Bars & Restaurants

Pubinno was born at the pub. Independent bars and restaurants are the beating heart of our communities, and our technology is inspired by these small businesses. Pubinno’s Smart System is built for small business owners like you, allowing you to efficiently serve the greatest draft possible, increase your margins, and streamline your business operations.

How we can help 👇🏼

Quality & Consistency

Your customers aren’t beer experts, but they know a bad pint when they get one. Pubinno’s Smart System keeps you one step ahead of the next bad pint with system notifications, standardized pouring sizes, and a dramatic increase in keg yield and profitability in your draft system

Speed of Service

Your staff is mixing drinks, tending bar, serving customers, and trying to provide the best hospitality they can for each of your customers. Our Smart Taps enable simultaneous pouring and ensure that each pint meets and exceeds customer’s expectations. The result? More beer over the bar, happier customers, increased check averages, and everything tracked through our system.


Fewer kegs are needed when you’re getting 95%+ yield on each one! You’ll see a dramatic increase in draft efficiency and more draft sales in general (from the increased pint quality), making your entire draft operation more profitable and easier to manage. Coupled with automated notifications and updates, our Smart System gets you ahead of issues quickly.

System Management

Using our Smart Hub, combined with the Smart Taps, you’ll have immediate and real-time access to all your draft data and quality metrics, helping you maximize your revenues and minimize preventable draft system issues. Oh… and did we mention you can lock all your Smart Taps at the touch of a button too?


You’re going through a lot of kegs, and at the moment, 20-30% of the beer in those kegs is wasted because of foaming, draft system issues, and NRI (not rung in) pours that eat away at your bottom line. Our system dramatically increases keg yields, system efficiency, and eliminates the missing pints through effortless tracking of every ounce flowing through the system.

Customer Success Stories

Smithfield Hall

Manhattan, NYC

Smithfield Hall is one of NYC’s premier sports bars, and home to some of the most passionate soccer fans in the country. Draft beer is a massive part of their business, and Pubinno’s Smart System has vastly increased their speed of service, efficiency, and profitability

The Stag’s Head

Manhattan, NYC

One of NYC’s premier craft beer bars, The Stag’s Head’s main focus is great, local, fresh beer. Our Smart Taps helped increase keg yield and speed of service on some of their most expensive lines, increasing profitability and decreasing customer wait times and staff frustration.

When you’re ready to chat, send us a message below. We’re happy to chat further about how our Smart System can help your business.